Dr. Julio Williams MD.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, April 2, 2019 12:47 PM, <johnwatson@protonmail.com> wrote:
Julio Enrique Williams MD Complaint No. 2019-926
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am in receipt of your letter dated 1 March 2019 (copy attached) wherein you dismiss my complaint against Julio Williams MD. I am at a loss to understand why as in your letter of the 30 January 2019 you reference 'criminal conduct' and unprofessional conduct as legitimate reasons for complaint. I am sorry but being a member of a cult gang and intervening on the side of his cult / gang leader by offering threats for the purposes of intimidating me into dropping a fraud lawsuit (that I won) against his cult / gang leader does this not qualify? Does written statement to me in the threatening email offering to put up $2,000,000 to fund his cult / gang leader's legal expenses with the obvious intent of intimidating me into dropping my lawsuit against his cult / gang leader not qualify? Either of these actions on his part might be considered criminal in nature but let’s lower the bar to unprofessional behavior? If you do not consider these actions as 'unprofessional' then pray tell me what do you consider as unprofessional?
I have provided you with a copy of his email to me wherein he made those statements and I have provided you with a copy of a statement posted on his cult leader's website recently where it indicates that Dr. Williams has hired a venue for his cult leader to hold a seminar billed as a 'Sacred Sunday with Rishi' where this con artist is selling 'divine grace healings' to the public for six figure sums. Not only did Dr. Williams pay for the venue but he was present, as her tame physician, to endorse her miracle cures and yet you do not consider any of this behavior as being unprofessional?
Let us cut to the chase clearly as a 'self-regulatory' body you are not there to protect the public from corrupt rogue doctors but rather your actions in dealing with my complaint show that you function to protect rogue corrupt doctors from the public. There is no other logical explanation for your refusal to act on my complaint. In summary I would say two things.
1. You are going to look pretty stupid when Dr. Williams and the other members of his cult / criminal racketeering gang become the subject of a criminal investigation.
2. All of our correspondence is now posted on website dedicated to getting justice for the scores of victims (including myself) at the hands of the cult that Williams is a senior member of and one of its chief financiers. To review this information please follow this link.
In closing I would draw your attention to the email below which was sent to the FBI last week. This email spells out blow by blow the role that gang members Williams and Reynolds have played in the attempted cover up of organized crime and the intimidation of victims and witnesses. Perhaps you can come up with an explanation (apart from the obvious one) as to why Williams refers to this con artist and violent convicted criminal as, and I quote, "a virtual wellspring of living divinity." End quote. In future every time a member of the public searches for Dr. Julio Williams MD or any of the facilities where he works or for the regulatory bodies that he is registered with those searches will take them to the website mentioned above and to this information. The public can decide for themselves whether you have discharged your responsibilities to me or reneged on your duties in favor of giving Williams a free pass.
John Watson
Sent from Proton Mail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.
Subject: Rishi Devra - How Devra West, working with Cult / Gang Members Williams & Reynolds, work to silence Victims and Witnesses of Serious Crime.
Dear FBI, IRS and Sedona & Scottsdale police departments,
Once more we make the case that Devra Patton West is guilty of murder and perhaps multiple murders indeed we maintain that her self-elevation to the status of a minor deity is entirely predicated on her ability to commit murder and lesser crimes using a ‘weapon’ that is not recognized under legal statute. Because of ‘shortcomings’ in the law Ms. West has, over the past 27 years since acquiring occult knowledge, managed to carve out a niche in the annals of criminality that most mafia bosses would envy i.e. serious crime without consequence. We demonstrate clearly that behind the lies and propaganda published by Ms. West and her accomplices is a litany of serious crime with 99% of victims and witnesses too afraid to go to the police because the authorities have shown themselves to be totally impotent when dealing with someone as cunning and evil as Devra Patton West.
This bulletin clearly demonstrates that both Geoffrey Reynolds CPA and Dr. Julio Williams MD are willing accomplices in organized crime which includes perhaps multiple murders. We make the case clearly that Reynolds and Williams are not ‘normal’ friends, colleagues or in the case of Reynolds a ‘normal’ employee but are willing members of a cult / criminal gang whose actions far from being ‘normal’ are criminal in nature and entirely orchestrated by Devra Patton West.
Please review the following information and decide for yourselves whether Reynolds and Williams’ behavior is ‘normal’ or part of a criminal conspiracy that should be prosecuted under RICO laws / statutes.
Rishi Devra - How Cult / Gang Members Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Dr. Julio Williams MD & ex-husband Jack West work to silence Victims and Witnesses of serious crimes committed by Devra Patton West.
Before we analyze the role of Geoffrey Reynolds CPA and Dr. Julio Williams MD in two very serious crimes committed by Devra Patton West, let me state the obvious by saying that neither of these two individuals are what they claim to be.
Geoffrey Reynolds CPA. To be clear, no ‘normal’ employee would turn a blind eye to serious crimes being committed by his employer against other employees – Geoffrey Reynolds did. No ‘normal’ employee would make false statements to the press and publish multiple statements on his employer’s website denying a crime (the assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD) that he knew his employer had committed. No ‘normal’ employee would agree to conspire with their employer to murder a total stranger that his employer had a legal dispute with – Geoffrey Reynolds did. No ‘normal’ employee would, after the murder plot failed, agree to make totally false statements to a court about a total stranger on behalf of his ‘employer’ for the purposes of conspiring to bankrupt that person his employer had a legal dispute with – Reynolds did.
Dr. Julio Williams MD. No ‘normal’ friend, associate or colleague would agree to post a defamatory statement about a total stranger on Devra West’s website – Williams did. No ‘normal’ friend, associate or colleague would agree to send a threatening email to a total stranger for the purposes of intimidating the stranger into dropping his lawsuit against Devra West – Williams did. No ‘normal’ friend, associate or colleague would offer to donate $2,000,000 to fund Devra West’s legal fees against a stranger she defrauded – Williams did. No ‘normal’ friend, associate or colleague would agree to buy a domain name, pay for a website that hosts a totally false statement (analysis here) asserting that the injunction Devra West ‘bought’ by outspending the whistleblower in a series of civil lawsuits was instead the result of an investigation by a judge into a cyber-extortion scam against Devra West – Williams did.
Let us now look at the ‘timeline’ of two serious crimes committed by Devra West against Dr. Pat Cole MD (her student and business partner) and John Watson a business consultant; the latter later turning whistleblower against Devra West and her cult / criminal racketeering gang. Let us also analyze the role that Reynolds and Williams played in attempting to intimidate and character assassinate both victims of crime at their cult / gang leader Devra West’s hands. Additionally, Reynolds willingly agreed to participate in a plot to murder the whistleblower in 2007 and when that failed, joined with Devra West in a conspiracy to bankrupt him in 2010.
1. Watson, hired as a consultant on the promise of pay and shares, was defrauded by West, who in 2007 denied there was any business contract at all. Copies of their business cards, a personal guarantee signed by him and West and a letter to her lawyer asking him to dissolve their business arrangements prove otherwise.
2. After the whistleblower, John Watson, announced that he was going to launch a fraud lawsuit against Devra West, she asked to meet with him privately at which she agreed that she had defrauded him, that her agreements were worthless, that she disposed of people like Kleenex and that if he went to law against her she would get so down and f*cking dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket but not hers as cult members Williams would pay for her legal expenses. After John Watson said what about the truth and honesty? Devra West stated that the truth does not matter (as she could persuade the public that her lies were their truth). Watson recorded the entire meeting excerpts of which you can listen to by following the links. Williams later put up $2,000,000 to cover her legal expenses!
3. Certificate of Revocation showing West’s charity The Circle of Divine Unity was struck off the charity register for fraud.
4. Devra West, as you can see from her actions, uses her minions in the cult to intimidate and character assassinate those who make a stand against her or tell the truth against her. In 2005, Williams and two other cult members posted a defamatory statement against the whistleblower on West’s website. Why would total strangers to the whistleblower do this?
5. In April of 2006, Devra West viciously assaults Dr. Pat Cole MD as part of a campaign of violence orchestrated by Devra West whose objective was to separate Dr. Cole MD from her entire net worth of $1.3 million, which Devra West succeeded in doing. A couple of days later, she wrote to her entire cult mailing list announcing that the beating she had meted out on Cole was severe but was long overdue as Cole, she asserted, was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime! You cannot make this stuff up!
6. In September of 2006, Geoffrey Reynolds travels from California to take up employment with Devra West, in what he thought was a ‘normal’ corporation. He was immediately duped into loaning Devra West his life savings of $300,000 and thereafter, fell immediately under her control such that he agreed to participate in lies, propaganda, a murder plot and false statements to a court as part of West’s conspiracy to bankrupt the whistleblower for going public about her criminal racketeering business model. Office manager at the time, Rebecca West, (no relation to Devra West) makes it clear in her emails to the whistleblower that Reynolds’ only concern was hanging on to his CPA license and his marriage, rather than reporting West’s crimes to the police.
7. In November 2007, cult member Julio Williams MD, obviously at Devra West’s request, writes a threatening email to the whistleblower telling Watson not to f*ck with him and stating that he was giving $2,000,000 to West to fund her legal fees; the clear implication being that Devra West could outspend the whistleblower in court so he had better drop his fraud lawsuit against her!
8. The whistleblower receives several emails from Rebecca West, a copy of a ‘Statement of Fact’ sent by Carlida Finch to the authorities about the dangerous working environment and one email from John Mark Young about the crimes being committed by Devra West against her employees chief amongst those Dr. Pat Cole MD.
9. & 10. On July 12 2007 the Whitefish Pilot publishes a story about West’s assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD. This well researched article also mentions several other crimes being committed by Devra West in the Flathead Lake area of NW Montana. Immediately the senior members of West’s cult publish denials from her website. Four from Reynolds 1, 2, 3 & 4. Two from Williams 1 & 2. One from ex-husband Jack West. One from Dani Osborne (West’s masseuse) and one from employee Bret Jahola. All statements appeared on the same day and looked like they were all written and authored by Devra West.
11. The Bigfork Eagle publishes a story about West’s assault on Cole and carries new information about West’s criminality, lies and propaganda. While being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle news reporter Constance See, Reynolds whose employment started six months after the assault on Cole, stated that Cole’s injuries were caused by a fall and not by Devra West even though Reynolds had a copy of West’s written admission that she had assaulted Cole sent out to the entire cult on April 17 2006. Reynolds also stated, in what he thought was an ‘off the record conversation’ that John Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Devra West was going to do to him and his family! Constance See passed Reynolds’ threat on to a criminal investigator for the IRS who was investigating West’s finances at the time.
12. Just as Reynolds predicted, Devra West made an attempt several days later to murder the whistleblower using the same occult knowledge that she used to murder Lisa Swidler in 2005 and perhaps others. Also just as predicted by Reynolds, Devra West mounted a campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence against the whistleblower and his family, in an attempt to either intimidate him into giving up his lawsuit / campaign for justice or have him react in a way that sent him to jail for trying to ‘take out’ Devra West; just as another victim tried to do in 1995 when Devra West was chased out of New Mexico by one gun wielding victim who knew the authorities were powerless to help him.
13. While denying that Devra West had assaulted Dr. Cole, ‘liar for hire’ Geoffrey Reynolds was busy writing emails to the service provider of John Watson’s website desperately trying to force a copy of West’s written admission that she had assaulted Dr. Cole MD off of the whistleblower’s website. In a move worthy of the characters of the movie ‘Dumb and Dumberer’ Devra West has Geoffrey Reynolds CPA claim copyright of her written admission that she had assaulted Dr. Cole MD in a vain attempt to use the Millennium Copyright Act (MCA) to force The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification off his website.
14. West is found guilty of assaulting Dr. Cole MD. Here is a copy of the newspaper article published by the Whitefish Pilot on 24 April 2008 announcing her guilt. Here is a scan of the court documents and here is a written response by the editor of the newspaper after an attempt by the cult to bully the editor into withdrawing their article announcing West’s guilt on the basis that West never admitted her guilt in court!
15. An arrest warrant was issued against Devra West for Criminal Check Fraud.
16. Devra West became the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to sell her assets to pay past victims of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.
17. Devra West was found guilty by a Montana court of defrauding John Watson. The Ravalli Republic news article announces her guilt. Here is a copy of the court judgment and here is a copy of the award given by the court.
18. & 19. Devra West posts two statements on her website. The first asserting that that the court threw out Cole’s assertion that she had been assaulted by her (not true). And the second asserting that West was not found guilty of defrauding John Watson and that no business relationship ever existed (not true).
20. & 21. Devra West gave a statement under oath to John Watson’s lawyer, during which she lied from start to finish. However some interesting facts emerged from her statement that showed her to be a cunning criminal at the head of a multi-million dollar a year criminal racketeering gang, aided and abetted by Geoffrey Reynolds and others. One of those facts was that she lied about the whereabouts of several million dollars’ worth of artwork and valuables that were owned by a Montana charity and largely paid for by public donation. She stated that these articles were lost and or stolen but ten years later (after the statute of limitations on theft had expired) in 2014 they showed up on her website as for sale and at auction in Cave Creek AZ. They can currently be viewed by going to the art gallery tab on her website. Long story short, she claimed to be penniless and in debt to the tune of $2,000,000 but months later she turns up in Arizona living in a $7,000 a month gated mansion.
22. Devra West becomes the subject of an arrest warrant for Felony Theft.
23. Reynolds, a total stranger to John Watson in that their respective periods of ‘employment’ with Devra West are separated by 4 years, is persuaded (blackmailed about the $300,000 he loaned her?) by Devra West to go in front of a Montana court and make totally false pleadings about being defamed by the whistleblower who he had never met!
24. Devra West, like most narcissists is a prolific liar, who living in a make believe delusional reality ‘powered’ by her ability to manipulate, intimidate and murder those who oppose her continues to award herself ever more ridiculous titles and accolades. From being the ‘Menace of Montana’ (see below) she recently appointed herself the titles of the ‘Regent of the Masters’ (effectively making her superior to Jesus) the ‘Sage of Sedona’ and to show her delusions know no limits ‘The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Western Hemisphere.’ Being one step down from the almighty himself she professes to be able to deliver ‘Divine Grace Healings’ and ‘Dispensations of Karma’ to those who can afford to pay $500,000 which is what she was charging in 2002 according to two of her employees!
25. Williams recently posted a hatchet propaganda piece on a website he bought and paid for himself, just for the purposes of trying to convince the public that West’s lies are their truth. To be clear, what Williams wants the public to believe is that an American Judge mounted an independent investigation into the activities of a Canadian citizen (John Watson) living abroad in Canada. What Williams wants the public to believe is that this Judge, acting as an investigator, busts open a cyber-extortion scam mounted by Watson against con artist Devra Patton West or the Rishi as Williams calls her! In reality, using some of Williams $2,000,000 to outspend john Watson in court (who had just won a fraud lawsuit against Devra West in 2008) West and her stooge Reynolds, were able to launch two more lawsuits against Watson who, living abroad, could not afford to travel to the USA and fight them. As a consequence, West and Reynolds were each awarded undefended default judgments in the amount of $5,000,000 each and West got the injunction she asked for as part of her actions against John Watson – funded by Williams! Follow this link to our website to review a blow by blow analysis of Julio Williams’ statement made on behalf of his cult / gang leader Devra Patton West. Remember, in March 2003, Devra West had said to John Watson, and I quote, “If you sue me I’ll get so down and f*cking dirty huge expenses coming out of your pocket and not mine (because Williams would pay for her legal expenses).”
26. Watson wrote a couple of hundred emails, complaining about Devra West’s occult attacks against him, to Devra West’s lawyer James Bartlett between 2011 & 2015. After Bartlett blocked his emails, he started sending them to Julio Williams MD; the purpose of these emails was to lay down a ‘paper trail’ of these attacks to add to the statements made by other victims who were on the receiving end of similar attacks. Rebecca West and West’s daughter-in-law Jamie Haywood being just two of many.
Above from left to right: Senior cult / gang member Julio Williams MD getting a blessing from his Satanist coven leader. Center the statement he posted on a ‘paid for by him website’ (analysis here) that seeks to morph his and West’s conspiracy against Watson as an independent investigation by a judge into a cyber-extortion scam by a foreign national! Ass licker Williams on his knees at the feet of his Occult Master being thanked for his contribution.
The motive for Murder and the Criminal Conspiracy by West, Reynolds and Williams is clear. The success of Devra West’s ‘business’ relies on the public swallowing the lies and propaganda about her being a ‘divine being’ and any negative publicity, however accurate, undermines that narrative and threatens the multi-million dollar a year criminal racketeering business model.
Criminals have murdered for less. And since the ‘weapon’ Devra West uses to murder her victims with is not recognized as a weapon under legal statute, there is little risk to her; which is why Reynolds calmly announced the whistleblower’s impending death to the Bigfork Eagle news reporter on August 9 2007. Clearly, Reynolds had been briefed by Devra West not just about Watson’s impending murder, but that the other part of West’s conspiracy was to goad the whistleblower into reacting to the attacks against himself and his family in such a way that it would land him in jail. Unfortunately for them, it did not work out that way, but clearly Reynolds knew the plan. How else could he blurt it out to the news reporter?
Devra West’s Pedigree. If we look at Devra West’s pedigree we see that beneath the expensive illusion created by unlimited financial resources from 27 years of organized crime, we find a common thief / con artist who, after acquiring occult knowledge while attending The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery between 1990 & 1991, was able to exponentially leverage her criminal tendencies. She could do this because she had acquired a weapon that allowed her to covertly intimidate and murder her victims with plausible deniability.
Below is an excerpt from a website entitled ‘Cult Education Institute’. By following the link, you can review statements given by those who escaped from that cult. Here is an excerpt from one ex-cult member who decided to leave The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery.
We were told that all sorts of things were "against God". Things like Reiki healing, which I had been involved in for some years. Over time I would learn that homosexuality and eastern religions were also "against God". By then, I had become quite disgusted with all that was being asked of me and I wrote an email to Dr. Jaffe announcing that I was leaving the path.
Jaffe responded months later and threatened that I could become sick and die from something like cancer for leaving. That did not happen. Instead, I discovered some years later that Jaffe's own wife got ill with cancer and died from it.
We know from witnesses that Devra West uses the threat of murder or murder, as a way of intimidating victims, witnesses and the members of her own cult into remaining silent about her criminal acts. Below are a selection of victim’s experiences.
2005 – Threat of Murder. Student Marion Cantwell kidnapped, falsely imprisoned and beaten until she agreed to give up tens of thousands of dollars from the sale of her house to Devra West. Upon release, Marion was told she would be murdered if she went to the police.
2005 – Actual Murder. Student Lisa Swidler, a witness to Marion’s kidnap and the extortion of funds from her, also witnessed student Dave Kushner be defrauded out of $30,000 by Devra West. Shortly after trying to leave the cult, Lisa died suddenly and mysteriously of internal bleeding, leaving behind two small children under the age of ten years.
2006 – Threat of Murder. Employee Carlida Finch was given the choice by Devra West of joining her cult and becoming a low-paid or no-paid slave or being fired. In Carlida’s complaint to the authorities she stated that she overheard Devra West planning the murder of Dr. Pat Cole MD. Cole was allowed to live after handing over $1.3 million to Devra West.
2007 – Attempted Murder. Devra West attempted to murder the whistleblower John Watson in August 2007. Cult member Geoffrey Reynolds actually announced his impending murder to the Bigfork Eagle news reporter, Constance See, while he was being interviewed by her on August 9 2007.
Let’s go further afield to Brazil to look at the actions of another Occult Master and the sudden death of the ‘whistleblower’ who went public about his crimes.
Whistleblower who recently outed Oprah's Brazilian faith healer "John of God," for murdering teenage sex slaves and running a "baby farm" adoption operation, committed suicide over the weekend
- Sabrina Bittencourt died after accusing faith healer John of God of sex abuse
- She claimed he kept women captive and exported their children on black market
- The faith healer has been accused of abusing hundreds of women in Brazil
Supernatural' events terrify police while interrogating celebrity medium John of God over sexual abuse claims as computer 'takes on life of its own' and electrical appliances short circuit.
Both Devra West and John of God are Occult Masters and Narcissists.
In both cases the ‘humanitarian’ disguise hides a criminal racketeering business model that involves crimes like theft, fraud, extortion, violent assault and murder.
In a recent bulletin, we compared the activities of Devra Patton West with those of John of God, who was recently arrested in Brazil. For a comparison of Devra West and John of God’s use of their knowledge of the occult to leverage their criminality, please review the following previous bulletins.
A Comparison between Rishi Devra AKA Devra Patton West & Joao Teixeira de Faria AKA John of God.
How Devra West uses occult knowledge to silence her critics and the victims and witnesses of crime.
The big question is, what makes individuals like Geoffrey Reynolds CPA and Julio Williams MD, the former being an accountant and the latter a physician, align themselves with someone who is clearly criminally insane? It is obvious that Reynolds was briefed on Watson’s murder and the campaign of violence against his family, which is still continuing 13 years later. Why, when the 2007 murder plot failed, did Reynolds agree three years later in 2010, to join West’s conspiracy against Watson, a total stranger, by making totally false pleadings to a Montana court?
Why did Williams agree to defame Watson in 2005, threaten him in 2007 and agree to fund West’s legal fees to the tune of $2,000,000? Why did Williams recently agree to post a statement about West’s injunction that he knows is totally false? How is it possible that psychopath’s like Devra Patton West are able to manipulate people like Reynolds & Williams into placing themselves and their wealth in harm’s way, to defend her against a total stranger who had a legitimate reason for suing Devra West for fraud?
The only plausible answer is that both Reynolds and Williams are willing accomplices in a cult / criminal gang run by occult thief / suspected serial killer, Devra Patton West, and that they are both comfortable and admire Devra West’s ability to commit multiple murders with apparent impunity.
In case anyone reading this still believes that Devra West is a misunderstood guru, here are some other examples of her criminality ‘World Service’ in Montana between 1995 & 2005 when she operated out of Victor MT as the Ascended Master Devra Ji.
- A J White – Charity Board Member and witness to fraud.
- The whistleblower – Consultant defrauded out of wages and shares.
- Barbara Costantino – Personal Secretary and witness to Devra West’s attempts at ‘rewriting’ history so as to blame each victim expelled from the cult.
- Tania Hurley – House keeper who was convinced that Devra West was / is insane.
- Kathleen Francisco – Assistant house keeper and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
- Diane Stoner – Personal secretary and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
- Kendall Strnad – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
- Jamie Haywood – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
- Carlida Finch – Employee given the option to join the cult or be fired and witness to Devra West’s plan to murder Dr. Pat Cole MD.
- Debra Coffey – Assistant Teacher and witness to the mental and physical abuse meted out by Devra West towards students targeted for extortion.
- Ingrid Smith – Teacher and witness to cruelty meted out to amongst others her 6 year old son.
- Rebekah Edminster – Teacher witness to cruelty towards students and employees by Devra West.
- Judy Morris – Student that alleges that many students were pressured into taking take out loans to give money to Devra West apparently being told that the more money they gave the closer to God they would be!
- Elaine – Student who speaks to the $250,000 emerald necklace she saw Devra West wearing and the fact that she believes that she has millions stashed away.
- Susannah Felder – Employee partially scalped after being assaulted by Devra West.
- Beatrice McGuire – Student who had her ear partially ripped off for challenging Devra West’s lies in public.
- Anandra George – Student repeatedly physically abused and forced to write false statements about the whistleblower that Devra West intended to use in court.
- Lisa Swidler – Student / Teacher probably murdered by Devra West to keep her quiet about two serious crimes she witnessed against other students.
- Mike Hendrickson – Student defrauded out of $200,000 by Devra West when the overdraft he guaranteed at the charity’s bank was emptied into a personal trust fund for Devra West and her eldest son Rob Meador.
- Dave Kushner – Student defrauded out of $30,000.
- Joseph Costantino – defrauded out of $20,000 in wages; after fighting Devra West at tribunal agreed to settle at 50 cents on the dollar.
- Marion Cantwell – Student kidnapped, held captive and beaten until she agreed to give up part of the sale proceeds of her house (tens of thousands of dollars?) to Devra West as a ‘donation.’ Lakeside MT calling herself ‘Surya Ma’ 2005 to 2011. The following image gives details of some of the crimes committed by Devra West during that time period bearing in mind most crimes are committed against cult members and remain hidden inside the cult.
And this between 2005 and 2010 when she operated out of Flathead Lake MT as the Ascended Master Surya Ma.
- Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud.Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Cole MD & News Article announcing same.
- Becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court judgments and interest.
- Whistle-blower’s judgment against Devra West for fraud.
- Defendant in fraud case brought by Larry Brazda and others.
- Defendant in fraud case brought by ‘Top to Bottom’ Construction.
- Vicious Assaults on female members of her cult i.e. Susannah Felder & Beatrice McGuire, Jamie Haywood and Dr. Pat Cole MD.
- The Students who took out loans for Devra West after being told, “They would be closer to God.”
- West’s son’s criminal record. Like mother like son?
- Arrest Warrant for felony theft.
For a more in depth look at 20 or so of the above mentioned victims follow this link.
Here is how the latest con works:-
Step 1. Those identified as wealthy targets are invited to attend a ‘Private’ Sessions or a ‘Private’ Intensive’ as advertised on her website below.
Step 2. Those targeted are duped / manipulated / pressured into believing one of the following two scenarios.
- That they are suffering from a totally non-existent brain tumor or a cancer which Devra West guarantees she can cure for a large fee.
- That Devra West and the targeted individual were sisters in a former lifetime during which the target is persuaded that she betrayed Devra West in that lifetime and must now, in this lifetime, make financial reparations (for the nonexistent wrongs the target committed).
Devra West has been perpetrating this extortion racket for at least two decades; two of her admin staff who worked for in 2002 overheard her say, after receiving a phone call, that she had just made $500,000. Apparently, this was the fee paid by one victim who thought they had been cured of a condition that Devra West had in fact given them! Listen to two of her admin staff, Diane Stoner and Kathleen Francisco talking about one this.
Remember, Devra West is an Occult Master who can, using Shamanic Visioning, induce illness, injury and even death in those she targets with little chance of the crimes being connected back to her. In the above scam, she ‘induces’ the symptoms in those who do not believe or do not pay and then miraculously cures them after they go to her ‘Pay Portal’ and make a large six figure ‘donation.’
Step 3. The victims go to the Sage of Sedona’s ‘Pay Portal’ which is set up to receive single donations of up to $500,000 or more by pressing a single button or a combination of buttons. In this way the target receives an imaginary cure and in return The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Western Hemisphere gets to empty the targets bank account into hers. Note her standing there with her hands out saying “give me, give me.”
This has been going on for 27 years right under the noses of the FBI and the IRS. It is illegal for a lay person to assert that they are able to cure someone of a health condition. Apparently not so for Devra West! At $500,000 a go, it is no wonder she can afford the trappings, clothing, lifestyle and home of a multi-millionaire even though she claims to be penniless and the funds she extorts from victims are nowhere to be seen, let alone declared to the IRS as income in her tax returns.
Below is an image pulled from a video posted the ufoswlgYouTube channel entitled ‘9 Ways to Spot a Fake Guru or Spiritual Teacher.’
Here is the link to the above video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB9PbbG93sM Please also be sure to read the last several week’s bulletins by following these links:-
Rishi Devra AKA Devra Patton West – When is she going to Prison?
Two Black Magicians Masquerading as Healers – One Arrested and One Hopefully Under Investigation.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, February 22, 2019 11:48 AM, <johnwatson@protonmail.com> wrote:
Further to our recent correspondence on this matter.
You said that I could add to my complaint if any NEW information turned up that was relevant to my complaint. If you follow this link:-
It will take you to a website that consists entirely of a statement Dr. Julio Williams MD has made on behalf of his cult leader Devra Patton West. A copy of that statement is attached. The statement is a pack of lies from start to finish and demonstrates beyond any doubt that Dr. Williams's role as a board director of the 'Omni Institute for the Divine Sciences' is far more important to him than his reputation or his 'day' job as a physician and thoracic surgeon.
If you follow this link:-
It will take you to a line by line analysis of Julio Williams's statement. After reading this analysis one cannot fail to comprehend that Dr. Williams is the spokesperson and 'marketing' director for the 'Omni Institute for the Divine Sciences' is a 'front' for a criminal racketeering business that amongst other things promotes Devra Patton West as a healer capable of delivering 'divine grace healings' to those who can afford to pay six figure sums for the privilege. Williams has not only promoted the leader of his cult as able to deliver divine grace healings at will but is present as a bona fide surgeon to affirm her 'abilities.' Further Williams has actually rented a property at his expense for his cult leader to use as a base for her extortion scam. These 'meetings' have been sold to the public as 'Sacred Sundays with Rishi' to be held at the home of Dr. Julio Williams MD.
Added to the above evidence that directly links Dr. Williams MD to Devra West's criminal racketeering business model are Williams' attempts to deny Wet's past criminality, deny the multiple arrest warrants, the conviction for assault and the many appearances made in court in Montana s the defendant in fraud related lawsuits. All of this is explained in detail if you follow the second link above. In the hatchet piece above, clearly intended to vilify and demonize me, one of scores of victims of theft, fraud and extortion, at the hands of Devra West while depicting his criminal boss as the victim fails to reference the truth around how the injunction was obtained and why it was crucial to the survival of the cult and its criminal business model. Put simply after being defrauded in 2002 by Devra West, one of scores of victims before and since, I issued a fraud lawsuit against West in 2003 which I won in 2008. Having moved to the east coast of Canada for my own safety in July of 2005 I had to travel backwards and forwards to Montana from Nova Scotia to prosecute the lawsuit against Devra West. There were two attempts by Williams to intimidate me into withdrawing my lawsuit between 2005 and 2007 both mentioned in the response statement that can be accessed by following the second link above. After winning the lawsuit in 2008 I had to travel to Montana for the award hearing in 2010 at which time I was served two lawsuits alleging defamation by Devra West and another senior member of her cult Geoffrey Reynolds CPA. Both gambled that I could not afford to pay for another two lawsuits and pay for the flights backwards and forwards between Nova Scotia and Montana and they were right. As a consequence Devra West and her accomplice Geoffrey Reynolds CPA were awarded an undefended default judgment in the amount of $5,000,000 each. If you read the documents you will see that at the time the alleged defamation occurred, between 2002 and 2006 Geoffrey Reynolds did not know I existed as he was working in California and only commenced his employment (cult membership) in September 2006. However West's business model is a criminal racketeering organization and if criminals cannot intimidate you or murder you they 'buy' the law they want by outspending you in court.
Williams hatchet piece referred to above and shown below (and attached) is his attempt to legitimize the leader of his cult / criminal gang by asserting that the default judgment obtained by his cult leader somehow legitimizes her and sweeps away all of her past crimes, arrest warrants, fraud lawsuits and conviction for assault not to mention the countless assaults on female members of her cult. Again what more do you want to prove that Dr. Julio Williams is a corrupt individual who deserves to be stripped of his medical credentials? Were that to happen his cult leader would drop him like a stone as a disgraced doctor cannot be used by her to legitimize her claims to be able to dispense divine grace healings and dispensation of karma for large six figure sums of money!
Please do your job and stop dismissing the evidence that I am providing.
John Watson
Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.
On Friday, February 8, 2019 10:55 AM, John Watson wrote:
Dear Washington Medical Commission,
Thank you for your email acknowledging that a panel of commissioners will be reviewing my request for a formal investigation into Dr. Julio Williams' conduct. I know Julio Williams MD to be a prolific liar - that much is obvious if one looks at the evidence I have provided so as a 'post script' to my earlier emails let me provide a little more evidence for your commissioners to review.
In anticipating that Dr. Williams will play down or deny his membership of a cult I provide below here some recent photographs taken from his cult leader's website / Facebook pages yesterday! The first below here is of Williams kneeling at the feet of Devra Patton West who is no doubt thanking him profusely for his support.
Dear Mr. Watson,
The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) received your 2/4/2019 email message regarding the closure of your complaint against Julio Williams, MD. Your email and attachments will be processed as a request for reconsideration of the closure of complaint number 2019-926.
A panel of Commissioners will review your request along with the original complaint and will make a determination either to re-open the complaint or that the complaint will remain closed. You will be notified in writing of the WMCs decision.
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 3:40 PM
To: WMC Requests for Reconsideration <Medical.Reconsiderations@wmc.wa.gov>
Cc: WMC Medical Complaints <Medical.Complaints@wmc.wa.gov>
Subject: Case Number: 2019-926 - Dr. Julio Williams MD
Case Number: 2019-926
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am at a loss to understand your panel’s decision not to authorize an investigation into Dr. Julio William’s conduct. In the second paragraph of your letter to me you state that “Priority is given to matters that identify a danger to patients, including competency concerns, unresolved medical error suggesting a risk of future patient harm, criminal conduct, substance abuse or other impairment, sexual misconduct, and other instances of unprofessional conduct that may negatively impact patient care.”
I have highlighted above two areas of Dr. Williams’ conduct that clearly warrant investigation and yet in the third paragraph of your letter you say that the Commission has thoroughly considered the materials I submitted before reaching their decision not to investigate. How could this be?
Let me briefly list some of the conduct of Dr. Julio Williams MD that I feel is unprofessional and or criminal in nature before I provide you with new information that should give you some context to his actions and my complaint against him.
As a preamble to new information.
Dr. Julio Williams became a member of a dangerous cult in 2000. I know this because I was involved with the cult (I thought it was a charity) from January 2002 to August 2002 during which time I was defrauded out of wages and benefits and made the decision to sue the leader of the cult Devra Patton West in March of 2003. After researching my lawsuit I found out that there were literally scores of victims of theft, fraud and extortion at the hands of the cult leader Devra Patton West. After victims were robbed, defrauded or became the victim of extortion the remaining members of the cult were mobilized by Devra Patton West to defame, threaten and intimidate those like me who decided to go to law or go public about their experiences. Dr. Julio Williams MD was ‘mobilized’ in this way by his cult leader Devra Patton West not just against me but against other victims most prominent of them being another physician Dr. Pat Cole MD who was viciously attacked by Devra Patton West as described in the Whitefish Pilot newspaper article of July 12 2007. Williams not only refused to lift a hand to protect fellow physician Dr. Pat Cole Williams, on his cult leader’s instruction, authored a defamatory hatchet piece about Dr. Cole which William’s’ cult leader published on her website. Devra Patton West was later convicted of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD while successfully extorting $1.3 million from her.
In case it has not yet sunk in Devra West’s cult is a criminal racketeering business model with Williams and other senior cult members acting as willing accomplices to ensnare new victims and then deny / cover up the crimes committed by their leader and when necessary intimidate victims and witnesses into remaining silent.
Below here are a list of the actions Dr. Julio Williams took against myself even though I had never had a single conversation with him while I was associated with the cult. However as you will see from the new information that I will supply below here Williams’ actions were part of a coordinated conspiracy by his cult leader Devra Patton West who Williams owed a much stronger allegiance than to the medical profession or any oaths he may have given to ‘do no harm.’
1. In 2005 and totally orchestrated by Devra Patton West (his cult leader) Julio Williams MD, along with doctors Cole and Cornell, authored a defamatory statement about me which was published on Devra Patton West’s website. The statement was intended for the consumption of the rank and file members of the cult and was further brainwashing / disinformation / propaganda intended to preempt the news that I was suing Devra West for fraud. A lawsuit I won in 2008. You can read the statement by going here. However it is worth noting that within the statement Dr. Williams made the following declaration:-
“I, Julio Williams MD have also been a long time student of Surya Ma and I stake my honor and credibility on defending her personal integrity and establishing the truth. I am proud to serve on the Board of Directors of the Global Guardianship Initiative.”
The above statement alone should see Julio Williams drummed out of the medical profession as having staked his honor and credibility on defending her personal integrity and establishing the truth the fact that Devra Patton West was subsequently found guilty of:-
a. Defrauding me (see Ravalli Republic newspaper article announcing same).
b. Found guilty of viciously assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD (see Whitefish Pilot newspaper article announcing same).
c. Was the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force Devra Patton West to pay previous victims of fraud $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.
d. Was the subject of an arrest warrant for criminal check fraud.
e. Was the subject of an arrest warrant for felony theft.
However Dr. Julio Williams MD has no “honor or credibility” to lose so his words were as meaningless then as they are now.
2. What follows is an excerpt from a newspaper interview that Devra West gave to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper on 12 July 2007. It is relevant because she told the reporter two things that made it clear that she considered herself as working with doctors, training doctors and considered herself to be superior to doctors, and secondly stated clearly and with vulgarity that she could heal people. Here is an excerpt from that newspaper editorial you can read the entire article by going here.
'An author and speaker, West claims she recognized her clairvoyant and healing gifts at age six when she began "interacting and communicating with archangel Michael," according to her book "The Christ Heart." West claims to have been trained in shamanic visioning and healing by Native American elders and to have been both a Cheyenne medicine woman and General George Patton in past lives.'
She also claims her "gifts" can heal people with various illnesses, including leukemia, and she plans to teach what she knows to cardiologists and other physicians when her plan for healing spas unfolds. "If you ever saw me heal, you'd be down on your knees crying like a friggin' baby," West said.Dr. Julio Williams MD is that cardiologist. Dr. Williams MD is that physician – there are no others!
3. In 2007 when it looked like my lawsuit against Devra Patton West (his cult leader) was going to be successful, Williams was once more persuaded to get involved in a dispute that was nothing to do with him making it obvious yet again that he was part of a cult / criminal gang acting on instructions from his leader. The following is an excerpt from a much longer exchange of emails between me and Dr. Julio Williams MD the important thing to take away from this exchange is that why would Dr. Williams write and expletive laden email to me when there was no history or dispute between us? More importantly why would he promise to fund Devra Patton West’s legal fees to the tune of $2,000,000? Well again I submit that he was and still is a senior member of a cult / criminal racketeering gang.
4. After numerous appearances in court between 2005 & 2009 as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits, after negative news articles that were published in the Whitefish Pilot, Bigfork Eagle and Ravalli Republic newspapers exposed Devra West’s ‘world service’ efforts to be a criminal racketeering gang preying on spiritual seekers it was time for Ms. West and her gang to move to another western state. Accordingly Devra Patton West and the senior members of her cult including Dr. Julio Williams MD relocated their operations to Cave Creek AZ. Shortly after arriving Dr. Julio Williams MD published the following statements on behalf of his cult / gang leader Devra Patton West.
And this....
The following, which appeared on Devra Patton West’s website recently, should leave your medical commission in no doubt as to Dr. Julio Williams’ role in Devra West’s criminal racketeering business model.
Note above that Dr. Julio Williams had rented a property close by his cult leader so that he could provide a venue for her to ‘sell her wares’ to unsuspecting spiritual seekers and to those who were seriously ill after all Devra West states on her website that she can deliver ‘Divine Grace Healings’ to the sick for a price. The fact that con artist Devra Patton West had her ‘tame’ physician / thoracic surgeon present must have given the ‘punters’ confidence that Devra Patton West was the real thing! Devra Patton West shamelessly uses Dr. Williams’ perceived respectability as a physician / thoracic surgeon to add to her own credibility that is why he rents a place for her use, supplies her with a series of gushing sycophantic testimonials in spite of the fact that he is fully aware of her ‘criminality’ a small part of which was alluded to in (1.) above.
The following is a posting made on Devra Patton West’s website / Facebook pages recently and should clear up any doubt about what is going on here.
Note some of ridiculous statements made by this con artist / violent convicted criminal that Julio Williams MD is closely aligned with. I list below some of those statements as numbered in the above image:-
1. ‘As the light that stands behind leaders and world servers from across the globe.’
2. ‘As a planetary regent etc…’
3. ‘As an instrument of mercy she offers the phenomena of Divine Grace Healing and… the karmic resolution of divine dispensation!’
6. ‘The Rishi Collection of fine art, sacred heirlooms and antiquities etc...’
Numbers (1), (2) & (3) above are clearly part of a large fraud scam. Item (3.) is what Dr. Williams is on hand to add credibility too. Is this legal? Devra West with Dr. Williams’ clear endorsement is offering to heal people for a price! As for the price well in the 6 months I was involved with Devra Patton West’s ‘charity’ / cult in 2002 I can tell you that she charged one ‘victim’ $500,000 for a ‘cure.’ Follow this link to listen to her then secretary and then housekeeper Diane Stoner and Kathleen Francisco talking about how Devra West made $500,000 in one day and was jumping for joy! That was the going rate in 2002!
Number (6). The Rishi Collection of fine art, sacred heirlooms and antiquities was stolen from a Montana charity and hidden in a lock up for ten years and then those very items reappeared in Cave Creek AZ as for sale at auction or from her website. These are the items she refers to as ‘The Rishi Collection’ and which can be found on her website. These items were collectively worth $4,000,000 as valued in 2002 I know this to be true because I as her then business manager and her then bookkeeper Cheryl O’Brien drew up a list of assets belonging to the charity. After Devra West’s charity was struck off for fraud the items went missing. If you doubt this is so then you need look no further than a statement that Devra Patton West gave in court under oath in 2009 wherein she states that those items were stolen lost or given away and never belonged to her in the future. You can read that statement by going here.
5. Over the past several years I have been the subject of intimidation from the cult that Julio Williams MD is a senior member of. I have written some 300 emails to Dr. Williams logging the intimidation attempts as part of a ‘paper trail’ to be used at an upcoming criminal trial not just into my own experiences but into the experiences of scores of other victims of theft, fraud, extortion and violence. Please ask Dr. Williams to share those emails with you.
I have once again reiterated my complaint against Dr. Julio Williams MD adding some new information. It is clear that Dr. Julio Williams’ actions are at the very least unprofessional but in some instances they border on the criminal. So far your response has been ‘nothing to see here, nothing to see here!’
Attached to this email are three PDF’s containing NEW information. The first PDF clearly shows that Devra Patton West is at the head of a cult / criminal racketeering gang and shows 21 of her victims in Montana. The seconds PDF clearly shows the actions of another senior member of Devra West’s cult Geoffrey Reynolds CPA and how he too, though a total stranger to me, became involved in a plot to murder me in 2007 and when that failed in 2010 he took part in, and fronted, a conspiracy to bankrupt me. He did this by going in front of a Montana court and making totally false accusations about me as part of a $10,000,000 extortion scam orchestrated by Devra Patton West his cult leader. The third PDF shows the actions of Devra Patton West’s ex-husband Jack West another senior member of her cult. These three individual’s action are all coordinated by Devra Patton West the leader of their cult.
If the members of your ‘commission’ read this information carefully they cannot fail to come to the conclusion that Dr. Julio Williams is a senior member of a cult / criminal gang / organized crime ring.
That his conduct, when taken into account with the larger picture demonstrated by the other three PDF’s, is clearly both unprofessional and criminal in nature. Lastly I would ask you and your commission members this question. If you found out one hour before you were going to be operated on by Dr. Julio Williams MD that he was a senior member of a Satanist cult would you allow him to work on you with a scalpel while you were unconscious?
Please take my complaint seriously not least because all of this information is being shared with the FBI. Your committee is going to look a bit stupid to say the least if Dr. Williams’ is indicted for his part in a criminal racketeering cult / gang and you ignored / discounted all the evidence given to you in two detailed complaints indicating clearly that Williams was a big player in that crime ring.
John Watson
Investigations Department MC-263, Texas Medical Board
P.O. 2018 Austin
Texas 78768-2018
19 December 2018
Re: Complaint against Dr. Julio Williams MD.
Preamble. In brief, and before I get into my complaint and the evidence I have against Dr. Julio Williams MD, let me set the scene so that you understand the dynamics and gravity of my accusations against him. Links shown on this document will only work from the digital copy included on the enclosed DVD. Numbers in the square brackets refer to the images / documents supplied on the enclosed DVD.
I believe I have the evidence to prove that Dr. Julio Williams has been a member of a cult / criminal racketeering gang led by long term con artist Devra Patton West. Devra West and her ex-husband Jack West were small times crooks, pot growers and drug dealers in the 1970’s & 1980’s in New Mexico according to one witness Jeremy Samuelson [1] who was conned out of $10,000 by Devra West. After her jewelry business went bankrupt Devra West decided to become an Ascended Master (no I am not joking) and attended ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery’ between 1990 & 1991. While attending the school, fellow student ‘Satya’ [2] alleges that she too was defrauded out of $6,000. Long story short Devra West has demonstrated over decades that she has criminal tendencies and that the purpose of attending the above mentioned school was to enable Devra Patton West to acquire occult (hidden) knowledge which she has since used, over the past 27 years, to leverage her criminal proclivity.
Using the occult knowledge that she acquired between 1990 & 1991, Devra Patton West was able to build a ‘personality’ cult around herself to convince the weak minded, spiritually confused and other students of the occult that she was a ‘divine being’ worthy of worship. Most who became members of her cult were subsequently brainwashed and conditioned into ‘submitting’ to her will and manipulated / coerced into funding her luxurious lifestyle and into fund raising millions of dollars for humanitarian projects none of which ever came to fruition because the money was misappropriated / stolen by Devra West.
Above left: Williams a doctor and a heart surgeon is shamelessly used by Devra West to give her criminal racketeering business model some respectability. Above right: Williams getting a ‘blessing’ from the leader of his cult con artist and violent convicted criminal Devra Patton West. Note the dazed woman in the foreground.
I do not have the space here to convince you that the occult / supernatural is real but I would like to draw your attention to a news article about an individual who was arrested on December 19 2018 in Brazil and who was accused of sexually assaulting 300 women.
If you read the Daily Mail News Article [3] you will see that around the arrest of this individual the police and news reporters all attested to the occurrence of many ‘supernatural’ phenomena. The phenomena described by these witnesses exactly matches the experience of many individuals at the hands of Devra Patton West who were victims of theft, fraud, extortion and especially those who went public about their experiences – like I did. What I am saying loudly and clearly is that Devra Patton West has used the occult knowledge she possesses, not to sexually assault hundreds of victims, but to a) to defraud and extort money from scores of individuals to feather her own financial nest b) to target those victims who do not pay up or who go public with occult ‘under the radar’ violence of the kind mentioned in the Daily Mail news article.
Several other victims, all unknown to me and living at a great distance from me, have also complained of being subject to this kind of ‘under the radar’ violent intimidation with several victims, witnesses to Devra West’s vicious assault on another physician, Dr. Pat Cole MD, going to the police and reporting their experiences. The police, while sympathetic and believing what they were told, explained that because the ‘weapon’ being used by Devra West was not recognized as a weapon under legal statute there was little they could do.
One such victim, Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West), wrote to me in 2007 asking for help with Devra West’s ‘shamanic witchcraft.’ Rebecca’s harrowing email, entitled ‘Help Me,’ [4] not only contains her request for help but also gives graphic detail about Devra Patton West’s treatment of many other employees who were trapped inside her cult. Of particular interest are Rebecca’s comments about the extortion of $1.3 million from her friend Dr. Pat Cole MD and the other comment made was that at the time the only person giving money to Devra Patton West was Dr. Julio Williams MD who in March of 2007 had just donated $100,000 to her!
Similar reports of occult ‘under the radar’ violence have been made by Devra West’s daughter in law Jamie Haywood [5] (fighting for her infant daughter in a custody battle against West’s son) and Devra West’s neighbor [6] who ended up in a water dispute with Devra West.
The only common denominator between these individuals? They all ended up in disputes of one kind or another with Devra Patton West. But it is much worse than that. Devra Patton West’s knowledge of the occult underpins a criminal racketeering business model that at the time of writing has endured for 27 years and operated under the authority’s noses in three western states NM, MT & AZ.
The Ascended Master ‘Devra Ji.’ In 2002, when I became briefly involved as a business consultant, Devra Patton West was calling herself the Ascended Master ‘Devra Ji.’ After I was defrauded by Devra West in August 2002 I launched a civil lawsuit against her which I won in 2008. I also shared what I knew with the Secretary of State for Montana who, as a result of the evidence I supplied removed Devra West’s charity ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ from the Montana charity register; you can review the Revocation Certificate by going here [7]. Having nearly bankrupted her charity through rampant fraud, Devra West, in an attempt to fund her lifestyle costs and pay for court fines and interest totaling $2,000,000 began ‘harvesting’ the wealthy members of her cult. In 2004 she defrauded student Mike Hendrickson [12] out of $200,000 and she defrauded the charity out of its main asset a property largely paid for by public donations worth $1,250,000. Follow this link for details of the theft of charity assets.
In 2005, she defrauded $30,000 from one student Dave Kushner, [9] kidnapped, falsely imprisoned and extorted tens of thousands of dollars from another Marion Cantwell [10]. A third member of the cult (also in 2005) Lisa Swidler, a young mother of two children under the age of ten, died suddenly and mysteriously after witnessing both the aforementioned crimes and trying to escape from the cult. Most inside the cult assumed that Devra West had murdered her; either way after her sudden mysterious death Mike Hendrickson chose to drop his fraud lawsuit against Devra Patton West for fear of being targeted by Devra Patton West.
Above left; Narcissist Devra Patton West posing for the cameras. Center and right: Lisa Swidler murdered shortly after trying to escape the cult. The coroner ruled Lisa’s death was as a result of ‘natural causes.’ According to
ex-husband Jack West there have been several other sudden deaths similar in nature to Lisa’s.
To come to the point, either you submit to Devra West’s will and remain inside the cult, or you are unceremoniously rejected. In the case of employees, who are attracted from all over the USA to join nonexistent jobs, once they have burnt their bridges and travelled to their new place of employment they are met with a 20% pay cut on day one and if, by day 89, they have not submitted to the will of the ‘Master Abuser’ they are fired before Devra West has to pay employment insurance. The harrowingemail [4] sent to me by an ex-employee who wrote to me for help in March 2007 explains just how lawless it was to be working for Devra Patton West.
Above: Devra Patton West’s cult / unaccredited school for occult studies July 2002. Note Dr. Julio Williams MD at the end of the yellow arrow and myself at the end of the red arrow. The image accurately describes Devra Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model. See below a detailed list of victims present in the photo.
State and Federal Laws do not apply inside Devra Patton West’s presence – she is the only law. The fact that Julio Williams MD has remained a member of her cult since the year 2000 speaks volumes about his lack of integrity as I shall demonstrate later in this document.
Below are a list of victims when Devra Patton West was operating in Victor MT while calling herself the Ascended Master ‘Devra Ji’ between 1995 to 2005 – The following image gives details of some of the crimes committed by Devra West during that time period. Bear in mind, most crimes are committed against cult members and remain hidden inside the cult.
- A J White – Charity Board Member and witness to fraud.
- Thewhistleblower– Consultant defrauded out of wages and shares.
- BarbaraCostantino– Personal Secretary and witness to Devra West’s attempts at ‘rewriting’ history so as to blame each victim expelled from the cult.
- TaniaHurley– House keeper who was convinced that Devra West was / is insane.
- KathleenFrancisco– Assistant house keeper and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
- DianeStoner– Personal secretary and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
- KendallStrnad– Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
- Jamie Haywood – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
- CarlidaFinch– Employee given the option to join the cult or be fired and witness to Devra West’s plan to murder Dr. Pat Cole MD.
- DebraCoffey– Assistant Teacher and witness to the mental and physical abuse meted out by Devra West towards students targeted for extortion.
- IngridSmith– Teacher and witness to cruelty meted out to amongst others her 6 year old son.
- RebekahEdminster– Teacher witness to cruelty towards students and employees by Devra West.
- JudyMorris– Student that alleges that many students were pressured into taking take out loans to give money to Devra West apparently being told that the more money they gave the closer to God they would be!
- Elaine– Student who speaks to the $250,000 emerald necklace she saw Devra West wearing and the fact that she believes that she has millions stashed away.
- SusannahFelder– Employee partially scalped after being assaulted by Devra West.
- Beatrice McGuire – Student who had her ear partially ripped off for challenging Devra West’s lies in public.
- AnandraGeorge– Student repeatedly physically abused and forced to write false statements about the whistleblower that Devra West intended to use in court.
- LisaSwidler– Student / Teacher probably murdered by Devra West to keep her quiet about two serious crimes she witnessed against other students.
- Mike Hendrickson – Student defrauded out of $200,000 by Devra West when the overdraft he guaranteed at the charity’s bank was emptied into a personal trust fund for Devra West and her eldest son Rob Meador.
- DaveKushner– Student defrauded out of $30,000.
- Joseph Costantino – defrauded out of $20,000 in wages; after fighting Devra West at tribunal agreed to settle at 50 cents on the dollar.
- MarionCantwell – Student kidnapped, held captive and beaten until she agreed to give up part of the sale proceeds of her house (tens of thousands of dollars?) to Devra West as a ‘donation.’ Lakeside MT calling herself ‘Surya Ma’ 2005 to 2011. The following image gives details of some of the crimes committed by Devra West during that time period bearing in mind most crimes are committed against cult members and remain hidden inside the cult.
Note: Dr. Julio Williams was not a victim because he was far too useful to Devra Patton West; both in terms of his large financial donations, his medical credentials that gave her credibility, and the ease with which she could manipulate him into getting involved with her legal disputes against others.
After the loss of her charity, Devra Patton West had no choice but to move elsewhere. The way she ‘sold’ this to the members of her cult was to announce that the Ascended Masters had prepared a new abode for her at Shamballa. Here is an excerpt from one of her communications.
She also made it clear that she could only take 12 disciples with her and only those who were prepared to commit 66% of their net worth to her! Dr. Pat Cole MD was one of those did!
Devra Patton West on the verge of bankruptcy for the second time, also announced to her mailing list that the ‘discomfort’ she was suffering at the time was not related to her criminal activities but rather as a result of her move from the 5th dimension to the 7th dimension. Below is an excerpt from one the communications she made to her ‘students’ (cult members) which would have included Dr. Julio Williams MD.
Dr. Julio Williams’ position on this propaganda is not known. Either he was brainwashed and conditioned enough to believe it or he did not believe it and went along with Devra West’s obvious lies and deceit which in some ways is worse.
A leopard cannot change its spots and neither can Devra Patton West as within weeks of moving to ‘Shamballa’ (a journey north of 100 miles from Victor MT to Flathead Lake MT) she was thieving, defrauding, extorting and violently assaulting more of the herd members of her cult.
In March 2007, I started to receive several emails from other individuals trapped inside the cult, like ex- employee Carlida Finch [11A] [11B] [11C], who overheard Devra West discussing the murder of Dr. Pat Cole MD. In view of the gravity of the situation I decided to share details of what I had discovered while researching my fraud lawsuit against Devra Patton West with two Montana newspapers. Shortly afterwards on July 12 2007 the Whitefish Pilot [12A] published an expose on Devra West’s criminality which was followed three weeks later on August 9 2007 by another news article published by the Bigfork Eagle [12B].
Nothing makes it more clear how vile a creature Devra Patton West is, and how misguided Julio Williams is to be associated with her, than the treatment Devra Patton West meted out to her then business partner Dr. Pat Cole MD. Like Dr. Julio Williams, Cole was a student of Devra West’s unaccredited school for occult studies (i.e. members of her cult). On or around the first two weeks in April 2006 Devra West, as part of an orchestrated campaign of violence whose objective was to extort $1.3 million from Dr. Cole, viciously assaulted her such that the police were called, West was charged with assault and eventually convicted.
Ex-student and cult member Debra Coffey explains in her statement[14] how Devra Patton West orchestrates other members of the cult to target certain victims often for the purposes of extortion or because they have challenged her authority in some way.
Below here is a subsequent missive that Devra West sent to her mailing list to justify the assault on Dr. Cole MD.
Above: This is a couple of short excerpts that Devra Patton West sent to her cult mailing list in an attempt to justify the assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD. No mention of the $1.3 million she extorted from the victim!
On April 17 2006, just days after the assault, Devra Patton West in an attempt to calm the disquiet at the violence other members of the cult had witnessed she issued a lengthy statement to the rest of her cult entitled ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification.’ [15] In that statement Devra West sought to justify the assault by asserting that the voices in her head from a long dead Ascended Master called ‘El Morya’ had told her that because Dr. Cole MD was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime the beating she administered to Cole was not only appropriate but long overdue!
No mention in this missive of the $1.2 million that Devra West successfully extorted from Dr. Cole which West needed to pay the $2,000,000 in court fines and interest she had to pay her creditors which would shortly afterwards become the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale [16] of Devra West’s assets. This matter would, a year later, become the main topic of two newspaper articles which would also feature several other instances of theft, fraud etc. committed by Devra West at least one of which was aided and abetted by Dr. Julio Williams MD who was obviously aware of what was going on under right under his nose. This is how Dr. Pat Cole MD described the assault to Whitefish Pilot [12A] newspaper.
A self-styled clairvoyant and spiritual healer from Lakeside who claims the Osprey House on Angel Point as a future VIP spa faces criminal charges stemming from an alleged assault on a Whitefish doctor. Devra Patton West's goal of opening a series of healing spas -- including one in Whitefish -- has been stalled while she fights allegations ranging from black magic to fraud, extortion and breach of contract. A temporary restraining order against West, who calls herself Surya Ma, was issued by Judge David Ortley last October after Dr. Patricia Cole, of Whitefish, requested protection. Cole claims Ms. West abused her verbally and physically.
Cole claims Ms. West abused her verbally and physically. Cole was the director for one of West's ventures, The Sacred Archives Institute. They worked together for several years. In her statement to the county sheriff's office, Cole claims West abused her verbally and physically.
"She has told me that she has the 'spiritual' power and authority to 'take me out,' to be composted," Cole wrote in the temporary restraining order statement. Cole claims West threw a lamp at her and hit her with a briefcase, cell phone and her hand.
"She took off her shoe and hit me on the top of my head, causing my scalp to bleed onto my face, neck and clothes," Cole's statement reads. "She threatened to kill me with a gun to my head, 'blowing my brains out,' and advised me to commit suicide by slitting my wrists, after I'd taken out an insurance policy on myself."
Photos taken after the alleged beating were submitted to the sheriff's office.
When the Pilot asked about Cole's claims, West said her attorney advised her not to comment on the misdemeanor charge. A hearing for a jury trial is scheduled for later this month.
Note above West’s admission that she is trained in ‘shamanic’ visioning. Note her claims to be able to heal people. She is obviously not able to teach cardiologists and physicians anything but rather needs them on board to give her credibility which Dr. Julio Williams seems more than willing to do!
Remember, in 2005 Devra Patton West manipulated three physicians Cornell, Cole and Williams to be a part of her latest giant fraud scam.
Cornell jumped ship immediately, Cole became the victim of violence and extortion and only Williams remains by virtue of his usefulness to her. It is not just that Williams is prepared to pimp his MD, heart surgeon, cardiologist status for West but he also gave her $100,000 while this was all going down!
Immediately after the Whitefish Pilot news article appeared, Dr. Julio Williams in concert with other senior members of Devra West’s cult each issued statements of denial. Denial that Devra West had assaulted Dr. Cole MD even though each had received their copies of her written admission,‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ [15] that Devra West had assaulted Dr. Cole sent a year earlier in April 2006.
Below are the two statements of denial issued by Dr. Julio Williams who refused to support fellow physician, Dr. Pat Cole MD, in her hour of need and lied about the circumstances of the assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD by Devra Patton West - the leader of his cult.
And here…..
As if by magic, and all on the same day, senior cult members Geoffrey Reynolds CPA and Devra West’s ex-husband, Jack West, also posted statements of denial on Devra West’s website. Below here are senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds’ public statements of denial and his attempts to vilify the press for publishing the truth.
Statement 1 [17A] Statement 2 [17B] Statement 3 [17C] Statement 4 [17D]
Here is the statement published by ex-husband and longtime accomplice in organized crime, Jack West.
Statement 1 [18]
In keeping with Devra West’s assertion that “the truth does not actually matter (if she can persuade the public that her lies are their truth),” she goes on to deny she is at fault and blames the victims for the crimes she has committed against them! Dr. Julio Williams has played a major part in convincing the public that Devra Patton West’s lies are their truth and continues to do so until this day!
In addition to her lies and propaganda, she also employs ‘mirroring’ which is the strategy of accusing her victims of the very crimes she has committed against them. Below are two examples of this that appeared on her website immediately after the Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle news articles were published; the first in respect of Devra West’s assault on Dr. Cole MD:-
In reality, the case was not dismissed; Devra West was found guilty of assaulting Dr. Cole MD and the news article evidencing her conviction can be viewed by going here [26]. A scanned copy of the court documents can be viewed by going here [26A].
Similarly, in respect of my fraud lawsuit against Devra Patton West, you can view the judgment handed to me by going here [19]; the award made to me by going here [20] and the news article announcing the results of the court case by going here [21].
To be clear, Devra West is at the head of a multi-million dollar a year criminal racketeering business model which Julio Williams is willingly acting as marketing director. Anything that interferes with that business model, or contradicts Devra West’s narrative about being a ‘divine’ being, must be quashed immediately so as not to stop the flow of victims and money.
Above left: Devra Patton West has an insatiable appetite for other people’s money. Second left: It is all about the money stupid! From left to right: Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Julio Williams MD and ex-husband Jack West all willing accomplices in a criminal racketeering gang and all taking their directions from Devra Patton West.
While being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle [12B] newspaper, senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds CPA confided in the reporter in what he thought was an ‘off the record’ conversation that I would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Devra West was going to do to me and my children. Shortly after he made that statement, Devra Patton West, using the same occult knowledge evidenced by witnesses in the Daily Mail newspaper article referenced above, made a failed attempt to murder me. Since the 2007 murder plot failed both I, my wife and children have since been the recipients of a campaign of ‘under the radar’ violence very similar to the events described in the Daily Mail news article. This has now continued for 12 years.
View the Geoffrey Reynolds PDF [24] for a more lengthy analysis.
Just FYI, the Bigfork Eagle news reporter took Reynolds’ threat seriously enough to pass it on to the government agent investigating Devra West at the time, who then relayed the threat by email to my lawyer.
As with other victims, the weapon used by Devra West made it difficult for me to prove anything in spite of Reynolds’s confident announcement to the press!
The motive for attempting to murder me was twofold. Firstly that I had gone public with the information that I had acquired while researching my lawsuit against Devra Patton West. Research that showed a clear and consistent pattern of criminality on her part against mainly members of her cult with 99% of victims too afraid to go to the police for reasons I have described. Secondly, having been responsible for a blaze of negative publicity that rendered her ‘divine being’ fraud scam impossible to continue in Montana she could not resurrect her criminal / racketeering business model in Arizona until all of the information I had posted on my websites about her activities in Montana were forced down.
Her opportunity came in 2010 when, while attending court in Montana to see what the court was going to award me for my win against her for defrauding me, I was served by her and Geoffrey Reynolds for defamation – for telling the truth about her!
Devra West is a Master at manipulating others as I shall demonstrate when I get to the specifics of my complaint against Dr. Julio Williams MD. As an example, the cult member she used in 2010 to assist her in bringing down my websites was someone who only joined her cult in September 2006, a full four plus years after I had left her ‘employ’ in August 2002. To cut a long story short, Devra Patton West was able to blackmail / manipulate Geoffrey Reynolds CPA to go in front of a Montana court with totally false pleadings which stated that I had defamed him.
Both Reynolds and West gambled that I would not be able to travel to the USA from abroad (I moved from Montana to Nova Scotia for safety reasons in July 2005) and they were right (see Geoffrey Reynolds PDF below for more detail). As a consequence of me not being able to afford to defend their frivolous and dishonest law suits they were each given default judgments in the amount of $5,000,000 each. Whether Devra West’s lawsuit had any merit or not is a moot point but Reynolds did not know I existed until he was briefed by Devra West shortly after commencing his ‘employment’ / membership of her cult in September 2006. This is what criminals do if they cannot intimidate you or murder you they ‘buy the law’ they want.
Following all the publicity in Montana which made it impossible for her to operate there, Devra West and her cult moved to Cave Creek Arizona. Below is the body count of victims from her activities in Flathead Lake MT while she was operating as the Ascended Master ‘Surya Ma.’
- Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud.
- Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Cole MD & News Article announcing same.
- Becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court judgments and interest.
- Whistle-blower’s judgment against Devra West for fraud.
- Defendant in fraud case brought by Larry Brazda and others.
- Defendant in fraud case brought by ‘Top to Bottom’ Construction.
- Vicious Assaults on female members of her cult i.e. Susannah Felder & Beatrice McGuire, Jamie Haywood and Dr. Pat Cole MD.
- The Students who took out loans for Devra West after being told, “They would be closer to God.”
- West’s son’s criminal record. Like mother like son?
- Arrest Warrant for felony theft.
In conclusion, Devra Patton West has a history of criminality which includes theft, fraud, extortion, violent assaults, threats of murder and at least one actual murder and the attempted murder of myself. She has coopted / manipulated / blackmailed weak minded individuals, who lack integrity and a moral compass, into joining her criminal activities. Below here are the links to five PDF’s. The first goes into more detail about Devra West’s criminal racketeering business model and some of her victims over the past 18 years or so. The second goes into more detail about Dr. Julio Williams’ role in Devra Patton West’s cult / criminal gang. The third details Geoffrey Reynolds’ role in Devra West’s cult / criminal gang. The fourth details the role of ex-husband, Jack West, in his ex-wife’s criminal racketeering business model. The fifth is a copy of the Daily Mail newspaper article referred to above.
All of the above information and a digital copy of this complaint can be found on the accompanying DVD.
Devra Patton West [22]
Dr. Julio Williams MD [23]
Geoffrey Reynolds CPA [24]
Jack West [25]
Daily Mail News Article [3]
There are three main reasons why Devra West has been able to stay out of jail.
1. Firstly, under religious freedom laws she is able to describe herself as a minor deity who is able to dispense miracle cures / divine grace healings (see below) for a large fee. Apparently religious freedom laws offer criminals like Devra west protection from mail and wire fraud!
2. Secondly, because the weapon she uses is not recognized as a weapon by legal statute she is free to use it to make the victims she targets ill and then charge them a fortune for ‘curing’ them. She is currently marketing this ‘ability’ as ‘Divine Grace Healings.’ Similarly if anyone attempts to go public or reveal this obvious fraud, as I did, they are targeted with the same weapon in the knowledge that Devra West has plausible deniability.
3. Thirdly, when things go wrong, victims complain to the police or go to court for restitution Devra West wheels out the senior members of her cult (including Dr. Julio Williams MD) to provide her with false witness statements making it very difficult for victims to get justice. During the several years it takes to get a result in a civil / criminal lawsuit both the victim and hostile witnesses will be targeted with ‘under the radar’ violence in the hope of intimidating them into withdrawing their complaints / witness statements against her. This is why 99% of victims walk away empty handed.
My detailed complaint against Dr. Julio Williams MD.
- Dr. Julio Williams’ involvement in Organized Crime. Dr. Julio Williams MD grew up in the Dominican Republic where one of the most prominent religions was / is Voodoo. To emigrate to the USA and then be able to become a member of a Satanist ‘religious’ cult run by Devra West, a fair haired female Occult Master, must have seemed like all of his birthdays come at once. While being a member of a Satanist cult is not a crime it is clear from the documentary evidence provided here and elsewhere that Dr. Julio Williams MD must have become aware of the criminal nature of Devra West’s business model shortly after joining her unaccredited school for occult studies (cult) in the year 2000.
A review of the PDF dedicated to Devra Patton West’s criminality, Devra Patton West [22], will show that most if not all of the 21 listed ‘crimes’ (the tip of the iceberg) occurred during Dr. Julio Williams’ tenure between 2000 and 2010. In spite of this Dr. Williams continues to market this dangerous psychopath (to quote one of his testimonials) “as a virtual wellspring of living divinity.” This in spite of being aware of three vicious assaults by Devra West against three female members of her cult including fellow physician Dr. Pat Cole MD, a conviction for that assault [26], two arrest warrants (one for felony theft [27] and one for criminal check fraud [28]) and a Sheriff’s Sale [16] to force Devra Patton West to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest. Additionally Dr. Julio Williams has funded her criminal activities to the tune of $100,000 [4] and probably a lot more. He remains a loyal cult member and continues to this day to market ‘market’ her to the public as a ‘divine being’ when he knows full well that she is anything but.
How can I be sure that Dr. Julio Williams MD is aware of Devra West’s use of violence and attempted murder as a means of intimidating victims, witnesses and the rank and file of her cult into remaining silent? Because over the past three or four years, I have personally sent 300 to 400 emails to Dr. Williams complaining about the ongoing campaign of violence against me and my family members which has been ongoing since December 2006.
I am prepared to make these emails available to you if requested but the big question is why Dr. Williams has not shared these emails with the police? The obvious answer is that to do so would alert the police not just to what his cult leader is doing but his involvement in her criminal racketeering gang.
- Dr. Julio Williams’ character assassination, defamation and threats against me personally.
Shortly after I announced that I was going to sue Devra West for fraud in early 2003, she insisted on a private meeting with me which occurred on my ranch in March of that year. Because of her insistence that we meet alone and because I was concerned that she might do something stupid like attack me and blame me for her injuries I decided to record the meeting on a digital tape recorder. What follows are links to some short excerpts from that meeting which I provide to demonstrate the kind of person we are dealing with here and the kind of person that Dr. Julio Williams MD has aligned himself with.
Apart from getting her to admit on tape that she had defrauded me; that her agreements were worthless; that she disposes of people like Kleenex etc. the other important statement she made was that if I sued her she would get so down and ‘f**king dirty and that there would be huge expenses coming out of my pocket – not hers. Not hers because the senior members of her cult would pay for her legal expenses which is exactly what Dr. Julio Williams subsequently did!
Most important of her comments was that “the truth does not actually matter,” one could convince the public that their lies were the public’s truth. Dr. Williams’ main role is to convince the public that Devra West’s lies are truth.
Here are those excerpts:-
The truth does not actually matter (if you can convince the public and a court of law that your lies are truth!).
If you sue me I’ll get so f**king down and dirty, huge expenses coming out of your pocket and not mine (because cult members would pay for her legal expenses).
Yes I dispose of people like Kleenex.
My agreements are not worth anything.
Immediately after that meeting Devra Patton West went back to her compound and ordered all of her employees to ‘manufacture’ false statements about me that she intended to use in court against me. As proof that this did happen please read the email below that was subsequently sent to my lawyer by one of those employees / cult members who later retracted her false statement and advised that she was threatened with the sack from her job if she had not complied with Devra West’s instructions.
Again; state and federal law did not / do not apply in Ms. West’s cult; the only way you can remain inside it is to show your usefulness to her by breaking the law.
In 2005, Dr. Julio Williams joined the campaign of character assassination and intimidation against me that Devra Patton West announced would occur when we met in March of 2003. Williams’ actions were clearly orchestrated by Devra Patton West, who has a long history of getting the members of her cult to show their loyalty to her by having them intervene in her disputes with others. His initial involvement came about when he jointly authored a defamatory statement posted on her website in 2005. The statement was also authored by two other physicians that Devra West had recruited / manipulated into joining her latest greatest fake fund raising project.
The purpose of these projects was to provide a goal for the rank and file cult members to focus their fund raising efforts around however as with past ventures (and others since) the money always ends up in her pocket rather than being used for the purposes being espoused in her literature.
The defamatory statement that Dr. Julio Williams signed off on was clearly designed to make it appear that I was at fault for suing Devra West for fraud, while seeking to portray her as being the innocent party. Again, to quote Devra West, the truth does not matter if she can persuade the public that her lies are their truth. Williams was and remains a central part of her propaganda machine. The authors of this statement quote non-existent programs that they allege were acts of generosity by Devra Patton West. What they fail to be aware of was that it was I, as Devra West’s ‘Business Manager’ between January 2002 and August 2002, who set up these non-profit corporations and it was I who reported her to the IRS and Secretary of State for Montana providing both with evidence that she was defrauding her charity and the non-profits. Following my actions, her charity was struck off for fraud.
Below is an excerpt from Dr. Julio Williams’ statement wherein he foolishly stakes his ‘honor’ and credibility, and further states how he is honored to serve on the ‘board of directors’ of a corporation that I set up and which, after my departure, was populated by Devra West with yes men / women like ‘liar for hire’ Dr. Julio Williams MD.
To show you how poor Dr. Julio Williams’ judgment really was / is and how worthless his honor and credibility is (if he ever had any in the first place) let me share with you what happened in the three years that followed the statement he published on Devra Patton West’s website.
A 2008, Arrest Warrant issued against Devra Patton West for Criminal Check Fraud [28].
Devra Patton West’s 2008 Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD [26].
In 2008 Devra Patton West became the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale [29] to force her to pay her creditors
$2,000,000 in court fines and interest.
In 2009 Devra Patton West was the subject of an Arrest Warrant for Felony Theft [27].
As anyone can see from the above Dr. Julio Williams MD has lacks both integrity and credibility and is a total disgrace to the medical profession and any allegiance he may have given to the Hippocratic Oath clearly takes a distant second place to the Satanic Cult that he is a prominent member of.
In 2007, Dr. Julio Williams was again persuaded to intervene on Devra Patton West’s behalf and at her behest he sent me an email which was an obvious threat intended to intimidate me into giving up my lawsuit against her – which I subsequently won in 2008.
In the preceding image above, which contains two short excerpts from that lengthy email [30], Dr. Julio Williams MD announced that he was personally allocating $2,000,000 of his own funds for his cult leader’s legal defense. In the very same email he told me not to f**k with him. Why would an apparently well-educated physician agree to stand between Devra Patton West and a total stranger (me) who had every justification to sue Devra Patton West for fraud? The only logical answer is that he totally lacks integrity and is acting on Devra West’s instructions as a fully paid up member of her cult.
On a website dedicated to patient reviews of doctors, Dr. Julio Williams is described by some his patients in very negative terms one saying that he has no soul another declaring him to be a dangerous doctor. Perhaps his membership in a Satanist cult might have something to do with his bedside manner and lack of empathy and compassion for others. See the PDF entitled Dr. Julio Williams MD [23] to review patient’s negative / adverse comments.
3. Bringing the Medical Profession into disrepute. After joining the cult in the year 2000, Dr. Julio Williams quickly rose to a senior position inside that cult by virtue of his usefulness to Devra Patton West as a marketing tool. Since then, she has shamelessly used his apparent respectability as a Physician and heart surgeon was used by her to garner respectability as a ‘healer.’ Since then, Devra Patton West has shamelessly used Dr. Williams to promote herself as a ‘divine’ being who is able to dispense miracle cures (for a fee). For the past 13 years Dr. Julio Williams has also provided her with a steady stream of gushing ‘testimonials’ the latest being published on his Facebook page as recent as a couple of weeks ago; see PDF entitled ‘Dr. Julio Williams MD’ [23].The constant public support that Dr. Williams MD has provided Devra Patton West since she was ‘obliged’ to leave Montana in 2010 has helped her to establish the latest version of her guru / cult / extortion business model. In 2011 complete with a new name, a new fake life story / bio the narcissist Devra Patton West, now calling herself the Ascended Master Rishi Devra, announced herself to be:-
The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Western Hemisphere.
Since 2011, Dr. Julio Williams has repeatedly led her fund raising campaigns and provided her with a raft of idiotic testimonials the most vomit inducing being his statement that she is “a virtual wellspring of living divinity.” More worrying and in direct contravention of many US laws Dr. Julio Williams MD has fully supported her claims to be able to deliver cures for all ills.
Above: Devra Patton West offering ‘Divine Grace Healings’ and ‘Dispensation of Karma’ to those who can afford to pay six figure sums. Dr. Julio Williams MD not only associates himself with this con artist and violent convicted criminal but actively uses his ‘perceived’ respectability as a physician and surgeon to promote her.
As one can see from the image above taken recently from Devra Patton West’s Facebook page she is offering ‘Divine Grace Healings’ to the wealthy and gullible (for six figure sums). This obvious fraud (allowed under religious freedom laws?) takes place while her website is replete with testimonials from Dr. Julio Williams that seem to infer that she is the ‘real deal.’ Clearly his ‘status’ and perceived respectability as a physician and a heart surgeon are being used to ‘sell’ Devra West to the unsuspecting public.
What follows are a series of statements made by and or endorsed by Dr. Julio Williams MD on behalf of the leader of his cult. However, before reviewing them, it is worth noting what Dr. Julio Williams MD must have known about Devra Patton West in 2007 at the time he made the first statement featured below. He was certainly aware of this information in 2011 when, after being obliged to leave Montana Devra West changed her identity and reincarnated herself in Arizona. For an in depth analysis of the Whitefish Pilot [12A] and Bigfork Eagle [12B] newspapers, which both detail the many crimes being committed by Devra Patton West and her criminal gang in 2007 please go here [13].
Below is another brief summary of some of the crimes that Dr. Julio Williams must have been aware of that were committed between 2000 and 2010.
- Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud.
- Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Cole MD & News Article announcing same.
- Becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court judgments and interest.
- Whistleblower’s judgment against Devra West for fraud.
- Defendant in fraud case brought by Larry Brazda and others.
- Defendant in fraud case brought by ‘Top to Bottom’ Construction.
- Vicious Assaults on female members of her cult i.e. Susannah Felder & Beatrice McGuire, Jamie Haywood and Dr. Pat Cole MD.
- The Students who took out loans for Devra west after being told, “They would be closer to God.”
- West’s son’s criminal record. Like mother like son?
- Arrest Warrant for felony theft.
Below is a sample of the propaganda piece [31] that appeared on Devra Patton West’s website in Montana in 2007 / 2008 timeframe. Dr. Julio Williams MD endorsed this piece a) knowing about Devra West’s criminality (see preceding page) and b) knowing full well that his perceived respectability as a physician and heart surgeon is being used to attract more victims to what is obviously a cult / criminal racketeering business model.
The bottom part of his statement is continued on the next page…
There are a number of issues I have with this statement. Firstly, there is the obvious use of his medical credentials to pimp himself on behalf of Devra Patton West, the leader of his cult, for the obvious purposes of using his ‘perceived’ credibility to give her credibility! Secondly, leaving aside the revelations contained in the Whitefish Pilot [12A] newspaper about Devra West’s obvious criminality, is the fact that right next to Dr. Williams’ gushing testimonial about his cult leader is the image [32] below here.
This above image was of a multi-million dollar lakeside property owned by Robert & Tabby Ivy which Devra Patton West was portraying, on her website and in her brochures, as belonging to her. She did this to give the public that she was a wealthy business woman – clearly this was fraud. Dr. Williams must have known about this since his testimonial was on the very same website as the above image. Robert & Tabby Ivy were interviewed by the Whitefish Pilot newspaper; here is what they had to say about this matter:-
A third Lakeside property -- the well-known Osprey House on Angel Point, owned by Robert and Tabby Ivy -- is promoted in the Surya Ma Enterprise brochure as the "Surya Devi VIP Retreat Spa." Tabby Ivy refutes that claim.
"Devra consistently misrepresents her involvement with our house, erroneously saying she has an offer on it, but we have had no formal offer nor accepted any from her," she said. "After I saw our house in her brochure, I walked into her office and said, 'I don't want my house on any of your marketing materials.' For two years, she claimed she was going to buy our home. She wrote a bad check for several million dollars to the Realtor, and that was our experience with her."
On July 12 2007, Devra West appeared in court as a witness for her son in his custody battle against his estranged wife Jamie Haywood. It is well worth reviewing the court transcript [32] [33] [34]. When Devra West was asked whether her company was a multi-billion dollar affair she replied:-
In reality, as a further excerpt from the Whitefish Pilot [12A] news article makes clear, Devra Patton West was close to bankruptcy for the second time:-
HereintheFlathead,West ran into problems over several properties where she lived. On June 1, she was evicted from a $2 million Lakeside waterfront home when she failed to pay a second $50,000 down payment. She then moved into another Lakeside with her son and daughter-in-law. "All she got out of the house was her cat," said Larry Phillips, a Realtor with Land Rush Realty. When asked about the eviction, West said a few weeks away from home were worth the trouble. She claims to be negotiating a better deal on the property due to a water rights dispute. According to court documents, West is behind in payments on the second home. The issue has not yet been resolved, according to one of the homeowners, Larry Brazda.
An article that appeared in the Bigfork Eagle [12B] newspaper on August 9 2007 confirms this:-
Out of six businesses mentioned in West's literature, only one remains active and in good standing with the Montana Secretary of State office -- Sacred Environments LLC. Two were never registered -- Divine Unity Foundation and Millennium Mind Institution; two were involuntarily dissolved -- Surya Enterprises Unlimited and Global Guardianship Initiative; and one was involuntarily revoked -- Sacred Archive Institute. Besides being evicted from her Bayside home in Lakeside and bouncing a check for the purchase of the well-known Osprey House on Angel Point, West has a $2,287 lien against her for failing to pay unemployment taxes for her Montana employees.
Dr. Julio Williams MD must have known all about this campaign of lies and deceit!
Note in the piece below [33] from 2014 that he mentions being Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeon.
The piece below [34] was placed on the social media ‘Meet Up’ website in 2014. Devra West has since been banned from that site.
In the piece below here [35] Dr. Julio Willams MD has actually rented a home close by the location of his cult leader so that he can host ‘Sacred Sundays with Rishi.’ Note the two testimonials to the right of the image; one mentions that he is an MD and a heart surgeon and a devoted seeker the other mentions that he is an MD, cardiologist and thoracic surgeon and an avid seeker.
And this [36] recently ‘pulled’ from Dr. Julio Williams’ Facebook pages:-
In the piece above and the earlier ‘Golden Flame Foundation piece, Dr. Julio Williams MD harps on about the ‘Divine Feminine’ choosing to completely forget the multiple occasions when Devra Patton West has brutalized women sometimes in his presence. Here are three examples of that:-
Above from left to right: Employee Susannah Felder partially scalped by Devra West after challenging her about an $80,000 donation that West stole from the charity she ran. Center: Beatrice McGuire needed plastic surgery after part of her ear was ripped off after she challenged West in a lie in front of a large audience. Right: Dr. Pat Cole MD repeatedly hit over the head with West’s shoe until blood ran down her blouse.
Below [37] is an example of the current propaganda one can find on Devra West’s website; propaganda that Dr. Julio Williams MD both endorses personally and willingly allows his medical qualifications as a physician and a surgeon to be used to endorse her ridiculous claims.
Above: It is West’s ability to use “the fluidity of reality” (lies, deceit and propaganda) that allow her to call herself a, “guardian of the region” and a “blessing for the souls in Sedona and Scottsdale” (just as she was in Montana?). In view of the facts does anyone believe that this idiot was called to “serve the world at age 7?”
And below here [38] more propaganda. Note the excerpt below claims to be able to deliver ‘Divine Grace Healings’ and ‘Dispensation of Karma’ all for a large six figure fee to those wealthy enough and gullible enough to believe this bullshit. That said, Dr. Julio Williams MD a real doctor and a real heart surgeon enthusiastically endorses her claims so it must be true right?
Above:The occult thief / suspected serial killer Devra Patton West in full disguise - hand out - in invitation to future victims. She is wearing yards of curtain material over her shoulder (the preferred uniform of female guru’s) all part of the deceit directed at the Sedona & Scottsdale spiritual communities.
A series of ‘private sessions’ ‘private audiences’ and ‘private intensives’ like the dates recently listed below are offered to lure potential victims into the ‘kill zone.’
Sedona Gateway Retreats - Intro to the Path of Enlightenment
May 26 thru 29th July 28 thru 31 Sept 2 thru Sept 5
Oct 18 thru 21 Dec 1 thru 7Step 1. Those identified as wealthy targets are invited to attend a ‘Private’ Sessions or a ‘Private’ Intensive’ as advertised on her website below. [Dr. Julio Williams MD is actually in attendance at some of these ‘events’ and has even rented a property nearby for her to use to hold these events. Billed by him as a ‘Sacred Sunday with Rishi’ if that is not an endorsement by an MD I do not know what is.]
Step 2. Those targeted are duped / manipulated / pressured into believing one of the following two scenarios.
Divine Grace Healings. Victims are convinced that they are suffering from a totally non-existent brain tumor or a cancer, which Devra West guarantees she can cure for a large fee. In reality Devra West, having identified a wealthy target, induces the symptoms of a serious illness in the victim using the same occult knowledge she uses against those who oppose (see above).
Karmic Resolution. Devra West convinces the targeted individual that she and they were sisters in a former lifetime, during which, the target betrayed Devra West in that lifetime and must now, in this lifetime, make financial reparations (for those nonexistent wrongs). If the target does not agree to pay the target becomes the subject of a campaign of occult attacks designed to convince them to pay!
Devra West has been perpetrating this extortion racket for at least two decades. Dr. Julio Williams MD is clearly a willing accomplice in what is a massive extortion scam.
The ‘Divine Grace Healing Scam.’ Two of her admin staff who worked for her in 2002, overheard her say, after receiving a phone call, that she had just made $500,000. Apparently, this was the fee paid by one victim who thought they had been cured of a condition that Devra West had in fact given
them! Listen to two of her admin staff [39], Diane Stoner and Kathleen Francisco talking about one this.
The ‘Karmic Resolution Scam.’ Devra West uses this scam against wealthy female heiresses like the one below who has ‘donated’ millions to her charitable causes. After the heiress’ son found out how much money had been given / extorted by Devra West, he phoned Devra West demanding that the money be returned to his mother Corrine Coffin! Please read this email from Devra West’s office manager [4] in 2007 wherein she writes about this matter and many others.
Above: Devra West extracting millions of dollars from a wealthy heiresses who she convinced owed her from a previous lifetime. With others she just promises to remove bad karma for a very large fee!
Remember, Devra West is an Occult Master who can, using Shamanic visioning, induce illness, injury and even death in those she targets with little chance of the crimes being connected back to her.
In the above scam, she ‘induces’ the symptoms of serious illness in the wealthy victims that she targets and then miraculously cures them after they go to her ‘Pay Portal’ and make a large six figure ‘donation.’ She got $500,000 from one victim [39] in 2002 for doing just this!Step 3. The victims go to the Sage of Sedona’s ‘Pay Portal’ [40], recently updated, which is now set up to receive single donations of $500,000 or more by pressing one or a combination of buttons and empty your bank account into hers. Note her standing there with her hands out saying “give me, give me.”
This well-oiled criminal / racketeering business model has been operating for 27 years right under the noses of the FBI and the IRS. When people become aware of a criminality and victims go public she simply moves to another western state where they either do not understand ‘white collar’ crime or do not have the resources to prosecute it. Along the way she recruits weak minded stooges like Dr. Julio Williams MD (and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA) who because they lack a moral compass and even a shred of integrity agree to be willing participants in organized crime.
Above from left to right: The Ascended Master Devra JI (1995 to 2005), the Ascended Master Surya Ma (2005 to 2010), the Ascended Master Rishi Devra 2011 to present day. An apt description of a narcissist. One of two Montana arrest warrant photos of Devra West. Dr. Williams will assert that she is not a crook – the truthers are!
At the very least, it is wire and mail fraud! At the very least, it is illegal for a lay person, even if they are claiming to be a ‘divine being,’ to imply or state that they are able to cure / heal someone especially if they do not have a medical license. I can think of many occasions in the US where ‘quack’ healers have been the subject of litigation for much less. Again apparently state and federal laws do not apply to Devra Patton West!
In conclusion Dr. Julio Williams MD is obviously a willing accomplice in a criminal racketeering business model that has operated in three western states since 1995. His alignment with a Satanist cult and its criminal leader not only brings himself into personal disrepute but also the medical profession he is a part of. At best his actions show a complete lack of judgment which begs the question whether he should be allowed to wield a scalpel over an unconscious patient? At worst Dr. Julio Williams is a willing accomplice in a massive mail and wire fraud scam, a criminal racketeering business model involved in theft, fraud, extortion, violent assaults and worse. Williams is totally aware that my family and I have been on the receiving end of a continuous campaign of intimidation that has now lasted 12 years.
However I do not see him sharing the 300 emails that I have sent him about this with the police.Julio Williams MD, a consummate liar, may attempt to deny all the above accusations however the facts are the facts! Another line of defense he may try is to say that I was the subject of a successful defamation lawsuit my Devra West and senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds in 2010. As explained earlier when I travelled from the east Coast of Canada to attend a Montana court to see what I was going to be awarded for winning my fraud lawsuit against Devra West for fraud she, and another of her stooge / puppets Geoffrey Reynolds, served me for defamation for telling the truth about her. If you want to know the truth of this matter simply review the PDF about Geoffrey Reynolds [24] where there is a detailed explanation about this matter. Long story short as long as my websites were up Devra West’s criminal racketeering business model was dead in the water.
None of this changes the FACTS! It just shows the lengths that criminal will go to silence the truth!
Dr. Williams MD, a physician, should be held to a higher standard. All of this information has been passed to the FBI who will doubtless review which RICO statutes have been breached. In the mean time, you should consider the enclosed evidence and whether Dr. Julio Williams MD is fit to be a licensed medical practitioner and especially whether someone with his morals should be wielding a scalpel.
I will close with the following quotation from Aldous Huxley…
Please review the information contained on the attached DVD which contains:-
- A digital copy of this statement with hyperlinks to newspaper articles, legal documents etc.
- Digital copies of all the documents referred to in the square brackets.
John Watson
2017 - Evidence of Williams' Deep Involvement in Devra West's Cult / Criminal Racketeering Gang:
As we shared on Geoffrey Reynolds' page, senior cult member and ‘liar for hire’ Geoffrey Reynolds took to crime like a duck to water after being duped into loaning the occult thief Devra Patton West his life savings; with Julio Williams, I suspect the motivations were a little more complex.
If I had to guess why Julio Williams agreed to become a participant in organized crime I would say there were two reasons:-
- He is weak minded.
- He grew up in the Dominican Republic which is steeped in Voodoo and the Occult, so being part of a black magic coven in the USA probably felt like home.
Below here on the left, is a photo of Williams as it appeared on a recent statement published on Devra West’s website, where Julio Williams could be seen ‘marketing’ the occult thief as a ‘do-gooding’ guru to the population in and around Carefree AZ.
Above right is a photograph taken around the 2002 timeframe, wherein Julio Williams can be seen getting what he thinks is a ‘blessing’ from the leader of his black magic coven. Little does Williams realize that Devra Patton West, who is an Occult Master, is using ritual magic on him to ‘bind’ him (and others) to her will, just as she has bound certain demonic entities from the lower astral to her will that she uses to attack and subdue those she targets for financial gain.
Look how disorientated the woman in the foreground is. There are two types of people who give away their power to occultists like West who masquerade as false prophets; the weak minded / dimwitted or those who consciously decide they want to go over to the dark side and become ‘service to self’ entities like Devra West. Jesus said that no man can make a greater sacrifice than to lay down his life for another.
People like Devra Patton West turn this statement on its head; their mantra is, ‘No ‘service to self’ entity can do a greater thing than to sacrifice another’s life for their own selfish goals.’
Williams, like everyone else around Devra West, are just tools, a means to an end whether they realize it or not.
The whistleblower remembers the weak minded Julio Williams crying his eyes out at one of Devra West’s brainwashing and conditioning sessions that he attended as an observer in 2002, while being employed by Devra West as a consultant. Unlike Geoffrey Reynolds or Julio Williams, the whistleblower is quite immune to ritual magic and cannot be corrupted.
After the whistleblower was constructively dismissed by West in August 2002 and, after announcing he was going to sue Devra West for fraud in 2003, Julio Williams along with doctors Pat Cole and Jennifer Cornell (also part of her cult at the time) were the natural choice for Devra West to use in her campaign to discredit the whistleblower. It speaks volumes as to how brain washed and conditioned each were that they would each sign off on and publish from West’s website defamatory statements about the whistleblower, who was a complete stranger to all of them!
Jennifer Cornell, fortunately for her, broke the spell binding her to West, came to her senses and ran for the hills while Pat Cole would later be viciously assaulted by Devra West as part of a campaign of violence to extort $1.3 million from her which she succeeded in doing.
All of this is part of West’s campaign of lies and propaganda that she uses to re-write history after every victim of theft, fraud, extortion or violent assault leaves. Below here, is an excerpt from a statement written by Devra West’s personal secretary, Barbara Costantino of 6 years; you can read the full statement by going here.
As the whistleblower’s lawsuit got underway against Devra West, Julio Williams (the weak-minded puppet of Devra West) played a less subtle role in Devra West’s campaign against the whistleblower by directly emailing him in an attempt to intimidate him into not proceeding with his lawsuit against the head of Williams’s cult / coven. Below here, are a couple of short excerpts from the email that Dr. Julio Williams sent to the whistleblower in January of 2007. You can read Dr. Julio Williams email, complete with expletive in full by going here.
The above email was sent to the whistleblower just a few months before Devra West attempted to murder the whistleblower to stop him sharing with the public what he had learned about West’s sordid life while researching his lawsuit against her; a murder plot that accomplice Geoffrey Reynolds blurted out to the media while being interviewed on 9 August 2007!
As you can read from DR. Julio Williams’s email his bedside manner leaves much to be desired! But wait a minute after the whistleblower researched him several years ago he found the following on a website that ‘rates’ doctors performance according to their patients comments; here is the link to the website:-
And here are some of the comments posted there.
You see it is a matter of vibration and since Dr. Julio Williams MD’s vibration is very much focused on the occult, black magic and becoming a successful ‘service to self’ entity, it is impossible for his vibration to be in two places at once. For him to be a successful doctor and heart surgeon or successful at anything, that requires an overwhelming focus on the wellbeing of others, which is what healing is all about. Williams would have to be a ‘service to others’ entity, which he clearly is not.
In March of 2007, the whistleblower started to receive a series of harrowing emails from Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) who was, at the time, acting as office manager in one of West’s fake businesses which were used to recruit ‘employees’ into her cult. Here is an excerpt from an email entitled ‘Help Me’ you can read the full email by going here and a collection of Rebecca’s emails by going here.
With all my heart, I hope and pray, the law firm that is currently reviewing her documents will help Dr. Cole recover her losses and/or dignity, as she has no money left after Devra extorted more than $700,000 from her.
I am aware that the only person still financially supporting Devra (the finance controller is out of money), is Dr. Julio Williams and he gave her $100,000 last week. Devra spends money so fast that this funding will not last long. I know she has hoarded all her expensive jewels, artwork and artifacts and in addition I contemplate how much money/jewels she has stashed in order to bail herself out in the event you are able to take her down completely, or if the funding does not come through.
Tanmayo's (coca-cola heiress) son contacted the finance controller yesterday demanding the monies his mother contributed be returned. This phone call is the straw that broke the camel's back for the finance controller who has finally realized that he can no longer ignore the very bad situation he has gotten himself into by loaning Devra $300,000.
So in addition to publishing defamatory statements about the whistleblower on West’s website and writing in intimidating emails directly to the whistleblower weak-minded Julio Williams, by his $100,000 donation is also funding ‘organized crime.’
In July / August of 2007, at the time two news articles were published in the Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle newspapers revealing the extent of West’s criminality, Dr. Julio Williams was using his ‘perceived’ respectability as a heart surgeon to act as a ‘cheerleader’ for his cult leader Devra Patton West then calling herself ‘Surya Ma.’ Williams presented her to the world as a do-gooding guru when in reality he knew very well that she was a dangerous criminal.
In the image above, we see short excerpts of both Dr. Julio Williams MD and Dr. Cole MD as they were depicted on West’s website in the 2006 / 2007 timeframe. The first thing to note is that Dr. Julio William’s’ bio was right alongside Dr. Cole’s bio and that both their bios were placed alongside images of a multi-million dollar lakeside property that Devra West, then calling herself Surya Ma, was depicting as belonging to her. Indeed, throughout her website she described the above property as ‘Surya Ma’s Abode.’
In reality, the property belonged to Robert & Tabby Ivy who had, over a period of two years, asked Devra West not to describe their property, both in her brochures and on her website, as belonging to her! Please review the Whitefish Pilot news article wherein Robert & Tabby Ivy are interviewed about this matter and state that over a two year period they repeatedly asked Devra West to stop ‘defrauding’ them by representing their property as belong to Devra West.
This was all part of the subterfuge / lies / propaganda used to depict the (heading for bankruptcy for a second time) con artist Devra West, as a multi-million dollar businesswoman. However, as Ms. West has often stated, and I quote, “the truth does not actually matter.” You can hear Ms. West say this in her own voice by following this link. What Ms. West means is that if you can tell a lie often enough and loud enough, it becomes the truth in the eyes of her audience.
After it became clear to Ms. West that the $30,000,000 in government grants fraudulently applied for by her proxy, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, were not going to be forthcoming, what the occult thief decided to do instead was ‘harvest’ one of her wealthier cult members; which turned out to be Dr. Cole MD.
The crimes against Dr. Cole MD are covered in some detail in the ‘Surya Ma’ section of this website however once these crimes were made public, and under West’s direction, the entire cult, including and especially fellow physician Dr. Julio Williams MD, vilified and character assassinated Dr. Cole MD for the purposes of making it look like she was the perpetrator instead of the victim. Here are the two statements Williams posted on his cult leader’s website at Devra West’s direction.
Once again, in a cult led by an occult thief – the truth actually does not matter – if West, Williams and the rest of her cult members can persuade you that their lies, deceit and propaganda are the truth.
So we have irrefutable proof that Williams was aware of:-
- Devra West’s lies and criminality at the time he was posting his gushing testimonials about her from her website in 2006 / 2007 timeframe. In addition, we know from Rebecca West’s email (shown above) that Williams donated $100,000 to West in 2007. If it can be proven that he was aware of her criminality, then he would be at risk of jail time for funding organized crime.
- And Williams was also aware in the 2007 / 2009 time frame that Devra West became the subject of two arrest warrants, a conviction for assaulting Dr. Cole MD, the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale (to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest) and that she was the defendant in several fraud related civil lawsuits including the whistlleblower's, which he won in 2008.
So why then, after all of his exposure to West’s criminality in Montana, did Dr. Julio Williams MD, a so called respected heart surgeon, agree to reprise his role as ‘chief cheerleader’ on West’s ‘Golden Flame Foundation’ website in 2014 for the purpose of inviting donations for the ‘Divine Feminine?
Do we think that perhaps Williams has had a memory lapse around West’s criminality? Do we think that Williams was unaware of the violence that his cult leader had visited upon several women including Susannah Felder, Beatrice McGuire and co physician Dr. Pat Cole depicted below here?
Or could it be that after 16 years of brainwashing and conditioning, that Dr. Julio Williams MD is so mind controlled by Devra West that he simply does not know the difference anymore between right and wrong?
Dr. Williams continues to market Devra Patton West in her latest disguise as the Ascended Master ‘Rishi Devra’ and, just to show how effective the brainwashing has been, has apparently bought a house near where the Occult Thief lives so that he can provide the venue for the various ‘meditation’ meetings, social ‘meet up’ groups etc. put on by Devra West and the cult to boost recruitment. Below here, is an excerpt from a banner heralding the fact that the public could have enjoyed, on June 12 2016 at his home, a ‘Sacred Sunday’ with the occult predator Rishi Devra.
Finally, above and to the right, are two testimonials that Williams has recently given to his cult leader Devra Patton West; both of which can be found on her website by following this link:-
One has to ask one’s self why Dr. Julio Williams MD would describe Devra Patton West as, and I quote from above, “A virtual wellspring of divinity” when he knew about:-
- West’s brutality towards the three women depicted above; follow these links to read the details, Susannah Felder, Beatrice McGuire and Dr. Pat Cole MD.
- After two arrest warrants (one for criminal cheque fraud and one for felony theft).
- After knowing about a conviction for assault against fellow physician Dr. Pat Cole MD (who fellow physician turned his back on); go here to view the news article about West’s conviction.
- After knowing about a Sheriff’s Sale to force Devra Patton West to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.
- After knowing that she was the defendant in several fraud related lawsuits; including the one the whistleblowerbrought against her.
We know Julio Williams is weak minded, we know he grew up in the Dominican Republic (which was steeped in black magic / Voodoo) but maybe in the end, like Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Williams is totally devoid of integrity and lacks a moral compass. What other explanation could there be?